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Gringo, 75 y.o.
Chattanooga, United States [Current City & Hometown]

Looking for

Language practice


High school



Relationship status


Joined 12 years ago, profile updated 12 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 11.
inactive user
Reply - Conversation - Feb 28, 2020
Reply - Conversation - Dec 24, 2019
You learn and practise Russian? Why are you interested in Russian? It's a very challenging language. My respect))
Reply - Conversation - Nov 18, 2019
Hello, Chicogringo, I’m searching penpals for my two lovely students. They’re both 11 years’ old from China. They really want to receive a letter from a foreign country. So I’m trying to help them accomplish their dream. I’m wondering if you are interested in talking to these young ladies? Wish you all the best!
inactive user
Hi. I study English and I need practice. Do you can talk to me?
Reply - Conversation - Jul 15, 2019
Such a nice Deal
Reply - Conversation - Jul 7, 2019
Chico barátom ez nagyszerű! Örülök, hogy a magyar nyelv is érdekel, biztatlak, hogy ne add fel mert nem lesz könnyű megtanulnod! Itt minden fordítva van!

Ãœdv Laci
Reply - Conversation - Jun 22, 2019
Bom dia
Reply - Conversation - Jun 5, 2019
That's great! Thanks so much!
Reply - Conversation - May 16, 2019
yeah sure you are right, its another form of education because you get to learn so many interesting things which include cultures, it brings people together from all over the globe Tourism has the power to bring us all together, from all walks of life, without discrimination and regardless of race, colour, *** or age. It allows us to explore the world in compelling ways so that we can better understand each other, destinations, its history and culture. Together, we can make a difference. We can learn from one another, respect cultures, and open the gateway to having different conversations so that our world can become a more understanding place.
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