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Claire Lee, 32 y.o.
Sydney, Australia [Current City]

Looking for

Postal pen pals
Flirting and romance

Joined 14 years ago, profile updated 12 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 161.
inactive user
oh the island, oh i love it out there!! its so peaceful and laid back!! i always envy people who have grown up on the island. you can always tell if someone grew up there by how laid back and down to earth they are!

That must help so much to be out there with your sister! I bet you guys are having the time of your lives haha.

Oh Easter was good thank you, nice to have some days off. Hope your trip to Melbourne is fun. Have you been there before?
inactive user
i understand :)

wow one year! do you miss your Seoul? I would like to go there one day! My friend who lives there said when she is done school i can come visit! i hope to take her up on that. I am living in Western Canada. Near the city called Calgary. Where was your brother travelling there?

What are you studying right now?
inactive user
you had to choose those 3 names?? who helped you pick the name? i always find it odd when people change there name to a canadian name for people to understand or because they cant pronounce the others. younghyan sounds like a cool name i like su yeon hahah what does that mean.

will you get any snow? how long have you been in Australia for?
inactive user
Oh Claire is a nice name. did you choose it yourself? I want a Korean name . younghyun is nice. my friends name is Boram but when she came to Canada she called herself Stella because it means Star.

my name is Stephanie.
Have you been doing alot of swimming?
inactive user
an young ha se yo :)
so where in Korea are you originly from Seoul?
Are you enjoying your time in Australia?
inactive user
me too, good night
inactive user
inactive user
how r u?
inactive user
thanks for visiting
Reply - Conversation - Nov 1, 2011
Have a great time in Australia. Be carefull & take care.
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