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____, 38 y.o.
Buenos Aires, Argentina [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice

Joined 16 years ago, profile updated 15 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 153.
inactive user
miss you
inactive user
Oh thats wonderful!
Oh, I'm sorry haha I'm must have forgotten to show you. :D
inactive user
Yeah fuc.k man, I can imagine how much a skiing trip to Patagonia would bleed you. Ha, with anything, it would depend on what region you go to I'd imagine. Cerro Catedral is rather well-known as supposedly being the best of the best. I've heard some good stories, though not having been there yet, I side with nothing. I've only run into two people who have actually gone skiing in the region, one went to Cerro Catedral (raved about Nahuel Huapi in general and how beautiful it was!) and the other Cerro Chapelco.

Haha. 'Kamikaze' I suppose is an accurate term for me usually, especially if trying something new. Being a novice rarely hinders any adventures. Ha, I won't bore you with a Geography lesson. When I was in Chicago, we drove I want to say 4 1/2 hours to Wisconsin and went skiing at Granite Peak. My bruises from that venture finally went away and now I have new ones - yes! Haha. This past weekend, I went skiing up at Attitash in New Hampshire (3-hour drive) - enjoyed it!! :)

Damn, that sucks you can't find a better resolution of it! From what you've said, it appears to not thwart any future plans. Ooh, and mentioning Beksinski (you win points!) and seeing that you have an appreciaton for Caravaggio's work... Wow, you have great taste, though I'm biased - clearly. Haha. ;p In the future if you get around to crafting it, let me know how it goes. ;)

Haha. These days everyone is guilty of something so it makes no odds. But with music and movies, you're tempting the odds - sneaky! ;p If you ever get tipped off that they're coming for you and you need to flee the country, there's a Boston closet with your name on it for free of charge! ;p
inactive user
Thanks, that I did! :) Received it early Saturday morning, but went on a day-trip skiing (second time skiing ever and I totally fell on my *** again but it was fun!) and the rest of the weekend schedule was crazy so I didn't get to sit down till yesterday to start writing. Just so you know, what I didn't receive was the e-mail prior so thanks for attaching it also. I'm guilty of replying to both but I'll send the wall-reply your way as that's been finished. The e-mail reply will be raping your inbox soon. Haha. ;p
Reply - Conversation - Jan 14, 2010
así, ahora quiero mejorar mi francés.
Solo he estudiado por 2 años y entonces he parado.
Reply - Conversation - Jan 14, 2010
aún me falta mucho ... que vida
Reply - Conversation - Jan 14, 2010
pero si te hablo en portugués es muy posible que me entiendas... no todo pero parte de lo que diga!
Reply - Conversation - Jan 14, 2010
que bien... ya sé que está lejos de estar perfecto pero... que bien qu eme entiendes...
Reply - Conversation - Jan 14, 2010
dime algo... que tal está mi español?

seas honesto, sí?
Reply - Conversation - Jan 14, 2010
Sí, Te lo recomiendo Rulfo.

Y qué estás a hacer ahorita?
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