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Sandra, 30 y.o.
Malmö, Sweden [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals

Joined 11 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 11.
Reply - Conversation - Sep 15, 2014
Hello there my name is Derek and I am from the United States of America specifically Los Angeles (Where Hollywood is lol)

Mind if I help you with your English?
Reply - Conversation - Sep 5, 2014
I just wanted to say hello.
I'm new to the site and I'm just kind of looking around and I found your profile!
I'm really interested in learning Swedish (I've been teaching myself for a while now) and I'd love to come to Sweden one day and learn more about the country!
Also, I'd really enjoy having a pen pal!
If you'd like to chat with me, message me back! I'd be delighted!
Vi ses!
inactive user
Are you interest doing 20 question game like by email with me?
Reply - Conversation - Dec 20, 2013
Oi sou do Brasil
Me faça uma visita me aceita ai obrigado
Reply - Conversation - Nov 9, 2013
hey you!
Do you like soda?
Reply - Conversation - Nov 8, 2013
Hello, My name is Sangmin. I live in South Korea. Graduated student.
inactive user
Hello there, my name is Charles,29, I live in Kenya. I’m a teacher. If you mind I’d be interested in establishing pen –friendship with you, through which we can get to chat get and know of each other’s geographical locations, share constructive ideas. My hobbies are reading, typing, soccer, music, piano key-board.
inactive user
It says on your profile that you like crime novels. Do you mostly read Swedish crime novels? If you do, do you know any Swedish writers I should definitaly read books of? It's a genre I really like and since I've read most of the books in this genre in my local library, I'm looking for some new writers to read:)
inactive user
I didn't know the pope made music. I suppose each to their own.
Reply - Conversation - Sep 18, 2013
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