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Sacha lee, 33 y.o.
Cape Town, South Africa [Current City]


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Joined 17 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 18.
Reply - Conversation - Aug 9, 2009
Hey! can you understand/speak japanese at all?
Reply - Conversation - Jul 28, 2008
hey ^^ long time ago we wrote here haha. how have you been??
inactive user
hi!! how are you ? I\'m french and I will go to Cape Town this summer. Do have some good expériences to tell me ?
Reply - Conversation - Oct 25, 2007
hey sweetie :)) I thought girls were supposed to be interested in cute puppies and NOT in guys bashing each other on the grass :P haha but gratz ! I didnt watch rugby lately, for like 24 years, but Bokkes were by far the best team ever and Im happy they won! haha Im by heart into soccer, but you\'re gonna educate me on rugby someday, mkay ?
So you have haloween costume yet ? omg my neighbour gave some kids diarrhea pills along with candies last year, Im guessing theres gonna be a loooot less kids walking around on haloween in Poland this year haha
inactive user
hey..nic pic..!!!
Reply - Conversation - Oct 14, 2007
haha youre such a girl! maybe your grandma thought its an apple juice or sth... but from what you wrote about your mom and your family - shes probably just random haha so whats new ? Im dying to hear some news from you!! xoxo
Reply - Conversation - Oct 1, 2007
I got so mad I kicked their asses in and they flew around like ragdolls ;)))) yea I know I dont wanna lose contact with you too! I missed your energy so bad, Ill be on MSN soon but probably on another account so dont get freaked out when some unknown dude says wassssup to you all of the sudden haha ;)) muahs!
Reply - Conversation - Sep 27, 2007
thats cool. sry it took me a while to reply
Reply - Conversation - Sep 27, 2007
heey! omg, it HAS been forever! those idioths from my IP have this brain damage that allows them to say one thing and do another, you know like octopuss - every tentacle does its own thing haha that aint funny actually, I waited like 2 months to be able to write to you :( this cries for revenge! what do you propose we should do to them ? ;))))
hugs and cuddless, missed ya and hope to talk to you soon on msn :))))
Reply - Conversation - Sep 1, 2007
i \"seem\" like? love, you give me far too little credit. i\'m the most coolest person you\'ll ever meet. actually, i don\'t have a VF account nor a myspace. i\'m not a fan of those networks. just a pet peeve of mine. oh, and i hope you don\'t mind if i added you on messenger.
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