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Delvo, 36 y.o.
Buea, Cameroon [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals

Joined 11 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 12.
Reply - Conversation - Jul 20, 2015
hello to all pen friends am a graduate from high school a cameroonian by nationality am out here to search for job opportunity in any part of the world.job like agri cuture and animals rearing also any types of unskill job such like cleaning security guald and any other my contact is +237 678829047
Reply - Conversation - May 4, 2015
That was when it was all made painfully clear to me. When you are a child, there is joy. There is laughter. And most of all, there is trust. Trust in your fellows. When you are an adult...then comes suspicion, hatred, and fear. If children ran the world, it would be a place of eternal bliss and cheer. Adults run the world; and there is war, and enmity, and destruction unending. Adults who take charge of things muck them up, and then produce a new generation of children and say, "The children are the hope of the future." And they are right. Children are the hope of the future. But adults are the damnation of the present, and children become adults as surely as adults become worm food.
Adults are the death of hope.”
Reply - Conversation - Apr 9, 2015
u can text or cal me on +237 678829047
Reply - Conversation - Apr 2, 2015
if you are previledge to to see the almighty GOD what will u ask him of
inactive user
ahah why you ask?
inactive user
yes haahah!
inactive user
you must come here one day :)
inactive user
portland is a city. hha
inactive user
inactive user
here is all good thanks God :)
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