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Dave, 77 y.o.

Joined 16 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 381.
inactive user
Your pictures are gorgeus!!
inactive user
Thank you. "Everythin but rap/ rap is like candy you throw away the wrapper". Couldn't agree more.
inactive user
thanks a lot !!
Greetings =)
inactive user
thanks a lot doc I hoped u got my mail
Thanks again ;)
inactive user
hahaha thnkyu
inactive user
Nice pics, thanks for sharing.
Reply - Conversation - Sep 19, 2011
Hi, love your paintings, i only wish i had 1/2 your talent, i've always promiced myself that when i retire i will have some lessons to leard technique, anyway, i'm maggie / a nurse / currently not working / but should be back at work in a month, I would love a penpal if you are interested
kisses Maggie
inactive user
lol, artwork is awesome. You should paint more erotic stuff though. Chicks with guns and tanks in the background.
inactive user
hey! your style is amazing !!
I love it!
inactive user
Sure I don't mind lol
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