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Leslie, 45 y.o.
Sydney, Australia [Current City]


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Joined 18 years ago, profile updated 4 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 8 of 8.
inactive user
lol hey the clubs in geelong are pretty good. except some of them are just full of scumm!!! lol. where`s morwell?? i`ve neva eva heard of that place...and you think geelongs a hole...what about werribee aye?
inactive user
ahh sounds like you know the gee town pretty well then. i live near the arena and the spinx. i gotta go to the arena tonight actually for my basketball game =) haha now common geelong isn`t THAT bad. it could be worse. there are alot more worse towns around victoria then what geelong is dude =P so how come you moved from melbourne to sydney? where did ya visit overseas?? so how often do ya come down here???
inactive user
haha it`s great can it possibly be...SO RATHER MELBOURNE!!! haha why did your mate wanna see the baseball`s nothing spesh. it`s so out of place here too. lol. and what were ya doing in geelong anyway?? so how`s sydney?? =)
Reply - Conversation - Aug 16, 2007
yeah its like M.I.M.S... Music Is My Saviour.... I like more music then they play on one station...
inactive user
Terve! are so cool!!!!
Write me on my email:[email protected] or add me on my msn:[email protected]!!!
Reply - Conversation - May 13, 2007
Aww I hate when that happens you try to go to sleep and you seem to can\'t and just lay there awake grrrr x[
Reply - Conversation - May 13, 2007
That\'s greta to hear!!! I\'m ******* amazing thank you very much lol oh yeah randomness is the ****!!!
Reply - Conversation - May 13, 2007
Hey sweetheart just leaving a little Hi to see how you are doing =] I know this is random xD
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