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Dong geun, 35 y.o.
Incheon, South Korea [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice

Joined 15 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 199.
Reply - Conversation - Apr 29, 2011
Ah. Its okay. I will just apply for a different job. ^^
I hope you did well on your exams. :D
Oh. Is it festival time right now? Thats so cool! I hope you enjoy yourself. ^^
I am a badminton player, but I'm not that good. I am just... okay. Haha. xD

Oooh. Do they have internet on ships???
Aha. But okay. We'll think about this later... x)
Oh and everything is going well. But my exams... I need to study this weekend. My exams last for 3 weeks. T_T
Reply - Conversation - Apr 29, 2011
I didn't get the internship. T_T
But its okay. I will just apply for a different job. ^^
Oh and I'm sorry for the VERY late reply.
I have badminton tournaments and exams right now.
So I am very busy. :(
But anyways, how have you been? ^^

Oh you are going to be on a ship next year? Thats so cool! :D
I've never been on one. But its okay if we can't see each other.
There can always be another chance and time to meet. :)
Reply - Conversation - Mar 30, 2011
I dunno what it is yet.
It's either that I am going to be an intern for teaching, or I will be doing some work like gardening or cleaning parks. :P

But yeah, I'm sad too. I really wanted to come this summer. T_T
Aha. We'll just have to wait until next year then.
Reply - Conversation - Mar 29, 2011
Oooh. Ahaha. I see.
Well I'd like to try out both. :)
I've never been to a spa or a public bath.

Oh yeah, I don't remember if i told you or not but...
I might not be able to go to Korea this summer. T_T
I will be starting a part-time job, I think?
Reply - Conversation - Mar 28, 2011
Its okay. :)
Aha. No, I've never been to a public bath.
In the US, I don't think we have public baths. :/
It would be cool if we did though. :D
Are public baths like a spa?
Reply - Conversation - Mar 27, 2011
Aha. Okays! ^^

Aww... don't tire yourself out too much.
Take a good rest whenever you get one. ^^

Ahaha. This weekend? Hmm... Finish some homework and then probably go out and play somewhere. :P
What about you? What are you going to do this weekend? ^^
Reply - Conversation - Mar 23, 2011
Aha. I was busy. But now I'm not.
I finished the IB project.
IB project is a project for an international program thing... I think?
Haha. I dunno how to explain it. :/

Oh. I've never heard of Maritime University.
Are you going to become an officer?
Ahaha. At least you are proud of your university.
Your university seems very interesting. x)

Hmm... I dunno. There are many different universities in the US.
So... maybe you are talking about Kingston? I actually don't know much about it, since I have never been there. But it would be great if you are able to become an exchange student at that university. ^^

Aha. Can't wait to see the picture. x)
See you later. ;)
Reply - Conversation - Mar 13, 2011
Hey. I'm sorry for replying late.
I have been busy finishing IB projects for school. T_T
But I have break next week, so I'm really excited. ^^
How are you?
You are back in university again? Ahaha. Awesome. :)
Why do you have to do training in the mornings and nights?
Well I hope your doing well.
I'll try to reply as soon as possible. ^^
Ooh, I'd like to see that picture of you in uniform.
I've never knew that universities have uniforms. x)
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it's a boy haha
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