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현지, 26 y.o.
Seoul, South Korea [Current City]

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Joined 13 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 208.
inactive user
Happy Birthday! ^^
inactive user
yup~ lol
inactive user
Oh, that's really short T_T
Really? my friend told me that there was going to be a typhoon T_T
stay safe!
Reply - Conversation - Aug 6, 2012
I'm fine, thanks :DD And you Haran ??
I don't have any happy happenings here, just the sad happenings TT
Wow~ Are you sure ?? Happy Birthday Haran ^^ I'm sorry, I'm too late to say that :( I love Ice cream too, I like Strawberry Ice cream :D
inactive user
haha~ school is about to start for me, I had vacation for about 2 moonths, almost 3 now~
inactive user
haha really? how long is your vacation?? That sounds fun, haha I'll probably just stay at home ><
Reply - Conversation - Jul 20, 2012
Oh~Hello Haran ^^
I'm fine, thanks :)) And how about you ??
Wow, there it was night :o
In here 10:26 a.m .. still morning here :D
inactive user
NOO~ I'm Average,, I think My friends more Smart than me !! Cuz My Math is weak, I think ^^

International Junior high School ?? Ahh-) I school in that school too ^^ My school name is International Junior High School 2 Pandaan.. So that's why we must speak English !!
Yes, I agreed with you !! We must have a good scored at the test to enter the International School. First, I don't think so if i can school in that school ~~

It's no problem-) I know ur mean !! ^^
inactive user
Ohhh I Know ^^
In my school we studied all the lesson.. Math, English, Chemistry, Physic ect... but the different between Regular class and Superior Class is We speak English all day and The lesson Use English language..
Ahhhh it's really hard, Lil !~
Reply - Conversation - Jul 19, 2012
Hi, nice to meet you too :D
You're welcome :)
What is your nick name ??
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