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Erin, 29 y.o.
London, Canada [Current City]

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Joined 15 years ago, profile updated 5 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 237.
inactive user
Hi how are you my old friendddddd?
do you remember me?
inactive user
sorry for late reply I'm very busy with school :)
so how is life going on?
Reply - Conversation - Sep 28, 2009
Thank for viewing my profile and my interest is phography and singing and playing guitar
inactive user
yep! :) haha okay, you think it's alright and I love it :P
How was your day?
inactive user
awww cool!! I went to my cousin's birthday!! and the rest stayed home doing practically nothing interesting lol Are you going to school tomorrow?
How was the BBQ with the friends?
Reply - Conversation - Sep 13, 2009
Haha ahhh, thank you! :) I never understood the difference until that :D And go for it, I'm sure you'll get in :)
You finish at 2.20? Wow, I'm jealous, we only finish at 3 haha :o Most schools finish later than us too
Haha oh well, there's always the next one :P
inactive user
Yeah, I am not doign the drama part where we each get a role or something, but I am dancing and singing:)
inactive user
There is this musical I'm gonna be in called Harmony N' Motion:) The project I'm working on is a friendship/heal the world project:)
inactive user
LOL:) I'm doign very well, just getting ready to go to rehearsal and working on a special project:)
inactive user
Hey erin how r u?:)!!!!!
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