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Faye, 31 y.o.
Glasgow, United Kingdom [Current City]


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In a relationship

Joined 14 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 666.
Reply - Conversation - Jun 26, 2013
hello! Do you really learn Polish?:P
inactive user
Thanks! Im going to visit Edinburgh :)
I see, well if you need help with it, just ask, I will gladly help you!
inactive user
Greetings from Norway ;)
I cant wait to visit Scotland this summer!

How is your Polish going?
Reply - Conversation - Jan 6, 2013
Thank you!

take care!;))

Reply - Conversation - Dec 23, 2012
Merry Christmas Faye!;))

inactive user
Hey hey! Thank you very very much, I'll try to do my best. Speaking about my tourist trip, it would last 2 weeks. Oh, your holidays in Mallorca have almost begun - my congratulations, hope you'll spend good time there. Have fun!
By the way, how is your studying Russian?
Reply - Conversation - Jun 17, 2012
И не было ни прошлого, ни цели;
нас вечности восторг соединил;
по небесам, обнявшись, мы летели,
ослеплены улыбками светил.
inactive user
Hello, my friend! I haven't received anything from you for a long time! How are you doing?
Well, I'm totally occupied with my studying at university. But finally my examination begins on Wednesday and now I'm preparing for it. First goes Psychology, then German, then French, then Stylistics of Russian language, then English and finally the history of the UK and the USA. So, I'll be absolutely free on the 27th of June. Then I'll go to my native town Stary Oskol where I'll spend the rest of the summer. But I'm in for an adventure, because I'm going to take part in a tourist trip in the Republic Kareliya! It'll be amazing!
Hope you're doing great!
inactive user
yay, now I want to go to London even more!;DDD
Everything sounds sooo great!I am really happy that you had a great time;))) You should repeat it some day for sure;DD

My dad said sth about going to London in September but they (parents) always make huuge plans.. and that's all, so we will see. I would like soo much to got there;))

I am fine, today I stayed at home because I am .. extremly lazy hahaha;p I hope I do not have any problems at the uni xdd Anway I feel ok;)) I have to start learning at my exams, which sucks;/

inactive user
Hello Fayeeeee!;DDD

Yaaay! I am so happy for you!!!! ;DDD Great that you had amazing time there, also in the underground ;pppp ;DDD

I hope so, I would like to..sooo much!;DDDD
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