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Mohamed fouad helmy, 42 y.o.
Cairo, Egypt [Current City]


Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals
Flirting and romance

Joined 16 years ago, profile updated 4 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 35.
inactive user
salam !
Reply - Conversation - Mar 28, 2008
hey there sorry it took me so long to reply..but I have added you to my MSN
inactive user
that´s very nice^^
ur a half greek?you should learn the language:DDD
Reply - Conversation - Mar 26, 2008
ohh thanks dear!!!!

You are very gentle

Reply - Conversation - Mar 24, 2008
I didn\'t
umm i guess now i have to find another word to use lol ^_^
inactive user
ah thats good to hear!!
Well I agree, you have to like whatever job you do! At least you are good at your job though!
So do you have msn?
inactive user
Yes I am quite advanced in dance, I am quite flexible too, i can do the splits.
I know I have alot of studying ahead of me!!
So do you enjoy your job working with technology?
inactive user
well after I hope to continue studying. I am hoping to study english, history, drama and social sciences.
So what do you do for your job?
inactive user
oh cool! I hope you have a good vacation! Im on a school break at the moment, so Im getting a rest from school.
inactive user
hey there, my day was very good thankyou, how about yours?
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