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Henri, 33 y.o.
Imus, Philippines [Current City & Hometown]


Looking for

Language practice
Flirting and romance


Bachelor's degree


Marketing Executive

Relationship status


Joined 11 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 155.
Reply - Conversation - Mar 21, 2021
Reply - Conversation - Jan 2, 2016
Happy Late Birthday!
Reply - Conversation - May 8, 2014
Hello there ^-^
inactive user
Henri is back ^^
inactive user
I am really happy you enjoy your work I think this is veryimportant to be a good worker ^^
Hahaha yes Paris was mesmerizing hahaha the trip and hotel were super bad XDD but Paris itself was awesome ^^

Hahahaa yeah AHS Asylum is really goos XDD but its reallly creepy XDDD I still remember watching season 1's end with the little boy .... next day I had a new kids class XDD I was praying to NOT have blond boy in that group (which is obviously impossible XDD we are in Germany XDD)

TGIF ^^ wish you a great weekend
inactive user
Sounds great ^^ I am happy you like your work a lot ^^ keep it up hahaha if you are online feel free to leave a message ^^

Have a great week ^^
inactive user
Ah, I just read your message now :)

Wow, congratulations on getting a new job! :D
Wow, it's so cool that you get to travel around your country! :D

Which department are you an assistant in?
inactive user
Ahh hey, sorry, I've been super busy since I started school again at the beginning of September so haven't been online at all :(

How are you??
I hope you're great
What've you been up to?
inactive user
Hey Henri ^^ whats up? ^^ how is the new job? ^^
inactive user
Hahahahaa ^^ well i went there with a befriended model ^^ and it was his agency who asked me for joining BUT XDDDD the organization, hotel and trip there was horrible XD .... i said i dont wanna join in a project like this .. it was not very professional either ... so this part of the trip was bad hahaa
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