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Hoshi, 34 y.o.
Bern, Switzerland [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals

Joined 17 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 391.
Reply - Conversation - Mar 30, 2010
how r u doing?
long time no chat!
do u have facebook?
inactive user
Bonjour,Karen ^^*
Long time no see !!X) (sorry I am too late...)
I wrote you a letter,you will get it soon ! ^^*
inactive user
carnival? what kind about carnival?:D
I think I don't do it.
Hey, I'm on vacation now... so I can write the letter to you!!! can you give me your address to me again? I wanna check it again! Thank you!!
Reply - Conversation - Jan 7, 2009
im eunjung
nice to meet u!
inactive user
hello how r u doing
inactive user
long time no see

how have youu been?

happy new year!
inactive user
Well it is not Chinese new year now.:)
This year's Chinese new year is on 26, January. it is more early than last year! but I really can't wait for it!! hehe! and also can't wait for my vacation.:D
inactive user
Well my address is the same too. Just alittle change actually, but it doesn't matter that if you send to me the letter.:D
Yea, my vacation is start on 10th January.:[[ You are on vacation! lucky you...:D
Ok, I will send to you a card within next week!!!!:D then after you get it, please let me know!
I'm just came back home form outside to celebrate new year. I'm so tried, but I can't sleeping.>< I am in my friend's home... well to be honest, I always not so good to sleeping at other people's home, even is my friends.:[
Anyway, Happy new year!
inactive user
Yea, Finally you have vacation now! Seems you are so busy on this year!! So I'm thininking that maybe I can send the new year card to you.^^ how do you think?
Yea, I love the stars. Chocolate too.:D How about you? do you like candys? :)
I'm pretty good, I guess. Today, I have japanese speaking exams. :[ but I didn't studied much actually.>< I'm quite worry about it. but I will go back to studying more before the exams... ok, gook luck to me. ;)
ah, no. Here didn't have snow. only some high mountain have it. Yesterday, Chritmas have rain!!!:[ but it is ok.^^ I still have fun with my friends. Do you have great Christmas??
By the way, your address still same??
inactive user
Merry Christmas!
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