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Icy, 34 y.o.
Los Angeles, United States [Current City]

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Language practice
Flirting and romance


Joined 14 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 122.
inactive user
Yeah, exactly! If I wear salmon pants or something, people may notice, but they're not going to flip out and think I'm a nutbar like here in TN. I did discover, however, that my size M build in the US is more like a size L in Japan since they're thinner XD Where in TN did you visit? Sometimes I appreciate things like the general lack of traffic, but it can get sooo boring. I want museums and Disneyland and stuff!

Doesn't it? I think it would be an awesome date night, as long as both people could handle staying up that late. Americans would probably handle it no problem if they use the jet lag to their advantage 8D
inactive user
I'd have to live in a city if I bought clothes in Japan because TN isn't exactly the most open-minded as far as fashion is concerned XD I saw these awesome coats and boots and... bah. Look what you got me thinking about again :p

Yeeeah, I'm not fan of humidity. Get enough of it here, ha ha. There are so many cool-sounding festivals there. I want to do hatsuhinode one day, where you stay up all night on a mountain or something to see the first light of the new year. I'm a night owl, so that's awesome to me :D
inactive user
Yeah, Kyoto and Tokyo are so different, but I'm glad I got to see them as I view them as Japan's traditional and modern sides. I wished I could have shopped more too, ha ha ha. Since I went during the winter, my suitcase was stuffed with bulky coats and stuff. Sigh. Well, I'll keep working on my kanji until my next adventure :p

I'd love to experience hanami one day too (though I wonder if the pollen affects me over there).
inactive user
Oh yeah, he hates downward facing dog even more because he can't get his heels on the floor, ha ha ha. It really is great to relieving built-up tension. I don't want to be one of those guys who think getting injured while training is some sort of badge of accomplishment :p

I'm a city boy! I grew up in Burbank and LA, but moved when I was 11. I went to Kyoto and Tokyo about two years ago and it was AMAZING (except for the crazy people I had to stay with). I would love to see more of Tokyo too, but Kyoto was simply breathtaking with all of its history.
inactive user
I haven't read Chunky Rice, but I'll definitely check it out once I get a chance. Are you a Scott Pilgrim fan too?

Yeah, absolutely! People can be so dismissive of yoga and qigong, but they can totally wear you out. My stamina definitely improved in a lot of ways thanks to them :) When I train my 14 year old cousin, we do some yoga as cool downs and he hates warrior triangle, ha ha ha.

Have you ever been to Japan before? I've been studying Japanese on my own for years, but I'm still a beginner. Everyone over there thought I was Japanese :B
Reply - Conversation - Dec 12, 2011
Im Juho Park :D
how are you?
inactive user
YES!!! I'm always shocked when people say they've read it, even though it's so awesome. Have you read Habibi yet? It's also by Craig Thompson. The guy's an amazing storyteller.

Double yes!!! I was taught some qigong years ago when I began ninjutsu and it's great in so many ways.

Welp, you've qualified as pretty darn cool, missy.
inactive user
Gotta like a girl that enjoys comics. Have you read Blankets or Asterios Polyp?

I used to try to convince my other martial artist friends that yoga was great, but they were too macho, I guess :p
inactive user
Pulp Fiction is great, I have it on Blu-ray.
inactive user
i know you haven't been online on here for like 8 months, but you're the only person with royston tan listed on here! i love his work! heeeey
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