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James Beckett, 33 y.o.
Sudbury, United Kingdom [Current City]


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Joined 14 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 5081.
inactive user
COD Modern Warfare Remastered, Battlefield 1, Halo 5, Forza Horizon 3, Star Wars Battlefront and Rocket League.
Reply - Conversation - Jan 7, 2016
I'm great, just finished an anime marathon and my eyes are protesting. They're throwing thick white blobs at me XD
It's my last month of vacation so far. noooooo!
inactive user
Happy Birthday my comrade !
Congratulations Really.......... ;)
inactive user
HEY My dear Friend Happy new YEAR !
I Hope You have a good year..... ^^
Reply - Conversation - Dec 29, 2015
I've never read those books, but I saw the movie series last month, wasn't bad really. But I prefer the Middle earth series
Reply - Conversation - Dec 13, 2015
No, not really! I'm just going to be spending time with my family (: How about yourself?
Reply - Conversation - Dec 11, 2015
Well written scares too XD What's a good book you've read lately?
Sometimes I'm lucky enough to visit the library when they're discarding books and get to take home a mega load :3
Reply - Conversation - Dec 11, 2015
I'll watch the film after I finish the book. The book is giving me enough scares as it! Especially that leper form with the rhyme, nothing is worse than someone attacking you in rhymes!
Reply - Conversation - Dec 11, 2015
I'm reading Stephan King's IT XD
I'm half way through now and loving the build up. But now I want nothing to do with balloons, clowns or floating :S
inactive user
Umm , I Listen to the a kind of Music & of Course Sing with dem !!
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