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Julio, 41 y.o.

Joined 14 years ago, profile updated 8 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 62.
inactive user
Great music. I like your version of "the moon represents my heart" piece.
Reply - Conversation - Jul 26, 2016
music... great choice!
inactive user
yeh i heard. jerusalem is also no safe though lol. nowhere seems to be :S
germany isn't a nice country to live in anyway,i dont now why so many people go there,i livd there & hated it
inactive user
which other countries would u consider moving to?
i feel safe from general crime,it's not like in london.
i have mixed feelings about being happy here though
inactive user
oh u have any other plans once u come back?
Reply - Conversation - Jul 15, 2016
Hello! I too am a HUGE fan of music!!! I'm also a pianist and singer and have the luck of being in quite a few popular bands! So do you get to play/practice everyday?
inactive user
not yet.
why did u spend 8 yrs in china? & how come r coming back now?is it forever?
inactive user
wow that's really cold :S
actually it doesnt rain in london as much as people think,it rains much more in israel during the winter.but it is almost always cold,grey & depressing in london, even the summers r shameful.
so how come u spent 8 yrs in china & now ur coming back?
israeli card?
inactive user
wow! 8 yrs in china! which part? do u speak any chinese? how come u lived there for so long?
no,i dont want to go back to england,who wants to see that depressing weather? :S
Reply - Conversation - Jul 3, 2016
I'm in china, i have been living here for 8 years, i will go back home next year, how about u? will u go back to England?
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