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Somebody, 28 y.o.
Aydın, Turkey [Current City]
İzmir, Turkey [Hometown]


Looking for

Language practice
Meeting in person

Joined 10 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 138.
inactive user
Hello, I'd like to talk to you if you want? Maybe we'll meet here? >>> (Copy the link in the browser). id on my website 3270958
Reply - Conversation - May 29, 2016
Merhaba:) nalsilsin
Reply - Conversation - Dec 3, 2015
Nice profile (;
inactive user
Maybe :) it's a great place to be

You too :) it was amazing talking to you, I hope so too. Goodnight :) (it's 17:12 here)
inactive user
It was beautiful and I hope to find it again next summer. Getting lost is always the best way to find yourself. I wish I could just stay in bed all day sometimes haha it's so much warmer there
inactive user
I love the forest feeling. We went on a trail once and instead of taking the trail me and my cousin walked in this shallow little stream. We got lost but it was really calming to hear the birds and the whistle on the wind with the water gently rolling over the rocks. We found a waterfall too! I love the feeling of fresh clean air and once you get use to it you can actually feel the difference in the air. Feeling the calmness is just so throught provocative. (It's really cold here right now haha I'm seriously sitting in front of a heater cause the heating system in my house isn't completely working)
inactive user
Painting is so much fun! I feel it's not as important the skill as the enjoyment that comes from it.

I wish I had a balcony where I could see the stars but I have neither. I can occasionally see the stars but often there's too much light so I can't. (It also gets fairly cloudy) but sometimes I like to close my eyes and listen to music and just imagine. I find it really relaxing. Sometimes I feel like I can feel the music even more with my eyes closed.
inactive user
It's so sad how some people just sit there and do nothing when there's so much to do. I love drawing (even though I'm not good at it), photography and editing photos, reading and writing.

My best friend plays guitar too :) I am attempting to learn keyboard... It's not going so well but it's still fun :)
inactive user
Traveling is a huge priority for me after school. (Well second to living it's important to be alive and take care of myself) I hope to someday go into psychology and maybe be a photographer as a small side job. It's important to have hobbies too.
My name is Arti :)
inactive user
Oh no problem! Nature photography is my favorite too! I grew up being the one always taking pictures haha. Thank you so much! It's one of my more recent pictures. I got lucky and had a chance to travel and it's made me who I am and it's made me want to give back all I could. I also love reading because it puts me in other people's shoes. It teaches me to do it in reality too. I completely get not wanting to live in just a room. I always want to be doing something. I honestly really just want to travel the world. That's why I plan to study hard and get a good job so I can. Hopefully I can convince friends to go with me. It's easier to be brave with a friend.
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