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Kate, 36 y.o.

Joined 17 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 277.
inactive user
I"m doing just fine. going to college etc:p, how about you?
inactive user
i'm fine ;D thanks =)

plans for weekend?
Reply - Conversation - Jan 24, 2009
are you from philipinnes ?
inactive user
ha i'm still here, wbu? :D
inactive user
you seems to be a well-disposed person ^^

how do you do?
inactive user
I knew it was popular a long time ago but do people still play it?
inactive user
it is in Ventura county just north of los angeles
inactive user
I think your last sentence in your interest and hobbies is pretty much the best thing I have read all week.
Reply - Conversation - Jun 6, 2008
hows it going kate?
Reply - Conversation - May 25, 2008
Hey Kate!!
where are you?? I missed your beautiful talking :(
how have you been ?? I hope everything is good for you^^
how is it going your life??
take care yourself and see you soon again ^^
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