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David, 32 y.o.
Perth, Australia [Current City]

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Joined 16 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 256.
Reply - Conversation - Jun 7, 2009
hi ^^
inactive user
Ah thats cool :D So have you ever been to China before?

Lol. Did you get a beauty sleep, then? I got one, last night, & I was late to school today. Im not doing anything really, just on here, typing & talking with some friends.

Im tired :{
inactive user
hi!how are you?

ahha i always reply in late sorry !Oh I think that certain things were not understood because that there are notions in France which I think are unknown in the rest of the world and it is maybe also a problem with my poor English vocabulary ^_^

Oh you study the philosophy! I go maybe to study it next year!
It is rather close to the sociology but in philo people study more big autors ,books ...have you ever work on big philosopher french such as > > montesquieu, jean jaques rousseau?

Maybe that they are not famous in the world but in France there is one reference in philosophy!

And for the question of the free will I think that everybody has a different opinion on this subject moreover it is a subject for which there are many debates!

Ahah these conversations on the culture can maybe seem a little boring if it is the case sorry ahah!

inactive user
Heyyy :)
Haha lol so lets say you like Asian?
Good to hear that we are going to get along fine.

So anyway how are you doing?
Reply - Conversation - May 12, 2009
mybe but first you have to call me 0431298159
inactive user
inactive user
thanx for visiting to my site ^^
Reply - Conversation - May 11, 2009
inactive user
Hey David:)
Thanks for viewing,
I'm Tiffy anyway.

Manchester Utd is also my fave clubbb :D
inactive user
HEY how you doing ??
you read twilight as well?? OH WOW
not many guys do thatt :D anddd since you're fluent in Spanish do you mind being my teacher theen? XDD

ohh and im Erie btw nice to meet you.. :D
this is gonna sound kinda random but you sorta look a lot like Kaka.. :]
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