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Levismith1979, 45 y.o.
Wichita, United States [Current City]


Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals
Flirting and romance

Joined 14 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 52.
inactive user
Yeah, its a program that comes on multiple times a day....on most channels...have you heard of it? :P
inactive user
yes same here, good traits i think. well the ugly word work calls my name, j=keep in touch seems we have alot in common, til than have a great TGIF !~~~
inactive user
i knew you were talkative like me i could tell lol taurus right ? bukll headed too or no ?? ;))) small world.
inactive user
no 19th why you in may too ?? lol noway !
inactive user
ahhh yea i know it, but don't you bottom out after that so called energy boost ends ? BTW good to have met you .
inactive user
NOS ? ok I give, what's that lol
inactive user
you didn't confuse me at all lol i kept right up with ya, have some coffee you will catch up too lol ;)))
inactive user
awww man sorry to hear that, sweet cars and good on the elco ! Love them, very solid cars too.
inactive user
LOL, no you are the exception we will just toss that out for you ;)))
Reply - Conversation - Mar 24, 2011
yay...? :D
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