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Lizzie, 35 y.o.
Launceston, Australia [Current City]


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Joined 17 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 535.
Reply - Conversation - Apr 23, 2009
inactive user
Reply - Conversation - Oct 29, 2008
hey missy!

hows u? how was work today? :P
xxx luv u xx
Reply - Conversation - Sep 6, 2008
wow i hope it'll be up soon. or u can do a community or just post in a community in livejournal too. there are soo many online that are selling clothes and stuff too. maybe you can have orders from all over the world.
oh i study business and my main major is tourism and hospitality 2nd major is human resource consulting.
what about u? are u in university already?
yea im just close to my neighbours in hostel. because we live there in school without our families. in my real home, which i go back every weekend, we dont know our neighbours. despite staying here for years. it's weird. but i live in a condominium, so there are many people around. and we share a common swimming pool, tennis courts, gym etc.
wow i have never surfed. but it always looks so fun. i was bitten by a jelly fish last month! haha gave me a shock. oh ya it's the winter now for you right? how cold is it? singapore has no seasons and it's like summer throughout the year and warm everyday haha.
Reply - Conversation - Sep 5, 2008
aww u poor thing....wil u b doing ur saturday shift then? have u started studying for the japanese test yet? we have that massive as one the week after that too! ahhhh its insane....
inactive user
Sheesh that is insane! I guess you can learn from her as well, but class is a good thing too, so you learn proper grammar, and such.
Reply - Conversation - Sep 5, 2008
Just chillin, mum and i are just finding a bible verse and we found it! working from 1:30- 5:30 today! and mum is giving me money to go and get that dress from myer....wat ru doing today chicken?
Reply - Conversation - Sep 4, 2008
oh. i will go check out your label someday, can i see it online? ya studying is pretty busy really, i have lotsa projects nowadays and i just have to keep meeting up with my friends. i want to sleep. wow i wanna go to perth, it sounds really relaxing and nice. i really like farms and places with large land. it's a contrast to singapore's city image and so different. feels peaceful. wow i have never not had a neighbour. haha singapore is small so everywhere we have people. so how did u go to school when you were a kid, was it very far? because everywhere sounds very big and far away from somewhere else. wow, are you there on vacation? cool. i wanna go to gold coast again too.
inactive user
oh ok than lol.
inactive user
dont know if you gave me the right number lol but i did text you and yeah lol.
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