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Mahdidehghan, 52 y.o.
Mashhad, Iran [Current City]

Looking for


Joined 14 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 14.
inactive user
Bandeye khoda , tefli :-D
inactive user
Mahdi, good morning! I'm will not be your penpals so I found friends yet. Sorry, good lucks !
inactive user
سلام آقا مهدی
یادمان باشد اگر خاطرمان تنها ماند طلب عشق ز هر بی سروپایی نکنیم
موفق باشید
Reply - Conversation - Apr 24, 2011
I am mahdi ,I am an engineer and I teach in university as a teacher ,I
am interesting in playing footbal ,traveling ,sightseeing,hearing to
and classic music, studing , teaching swimming, cycling .and so on .. I
am serious and Honestly ,goodhearted ,beloved, and I heat from false.
I think ,If a man only have so much money in his life , He will be
poor man,But He has love in hislife ,He will be a rich man.
I am so glad to know you more ,I read your nice profile and I like it
, I will be thankful to give me about your likes ,dislikes ,hobbies
,educations , family ,job and every things ,if you would like to tell
me of curse,and I am willing to tell you about myself too if you ask
me ,
Please send your letter only to my personal mail
([email protected])and you can annonce me by SMS or call me
(09155152607) ,forgive me about for this request ,Because I cannot open
your letter by this site and I only can send to you letter one way
I am waiting to hear from you soonset.
omidvaram mardi basham ke shoma mikhahid ,va omidvaram khanomi bashid
ke man mikham ,lotfan jahate ashnaie bishtar tamas
begirid,mamnonam,zemnan hamintor ke khed mate shoma aziz goftam man az
tarighe adres emailam mitonam faghat name shomaro bekhonam va az
tarighe in site nemitonam ,pas lotfan dar sorate eftekhar ashnaei ba
shoma az tarighe emile khodeton baram be emilam name bezanid
([email protected])
Sincerely Yours
Reply - Conversation - Sep 26, 2010
have you skype
Reply - Conversation - Sep 14, 2010
hello speak about your family how many children do you have?
Reply - Conversation - Sep 14, 2010
nice to meet u mahdi.
at first time i send for u my enjoyment...
Reply - Conversation - Sep 11, 2010
what the fuc***k man !
Reply - Conversation - Sep 11, 2010
I am mahdi from Iran .if everyone would like to connect me and know together can send mail to my personal mail address ([email protected])
I Love everybody
Reply - Conversation - Aug 26, 2010
I am Mahdi .I am itneresting to have a goodhearted and honestly penpal. and he /she be seriously.this is my personal mail address ([email protected])
How are you today ?
I am Mahdi .I am an engineer and teach in university ,I am interesting swimming ,traveling abroad,sightseeing , go to the beach ,hearinmg to classic and pop music, play footbal hall, teniss table,driving , cycling ,movies, studying and enjoy from my job and so on .
If a man has only so money ,He will be poor ,But He has money and Love together,He will be a rich man.
I will be thankful to give me about yourself more ,your likes ,dislikes ,hobbies , job ,parents and every thing if you would like to tell me .and I will be happy to answer your questions about me if you have .
But ,Please ,Only send your letter to me to my personal mail address ([email protected])
I am waiting to hear from you soonset
By The Best Regards
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