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Mari, 30 y.o.
Helsinki, Finland [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice

Joined 17 years ago, profile updated 12 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 304.
inactive user
Hei!,miten menee?
inactive user
vitsi kumpikaa ei käy tääl enää XDDDDD
Reply - Conversation - Aug 4, 2009
I am good too! I was in Finland about 4 weeks ago and I LOVED it! How do youi like it in Finland? Enjoying the long days I hope? :P
Reply - Conversation - Aug 4, 2009
Moi! Thank you for adding me as a friend! Mitä kuuluu?
inactive user
helllo I'mas Cara, whatss uppp??
inactive user
Long time no talk, how have you been?
inactive user
haha okei,ihmettelinki ku et oo soittanu tai mtn^^
onks ollu kivaa siel? miks friikki?onks hyvän näkösii kundei näkyny?xD
inactive user
okei no oon itekki tänää pitkäst aikaa koneel,ja lähen ma pois taas...
inactive user
herra jumala oot ollu koneel???millo
inactive user
Yes, so am I!
When did you get out of school?
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