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Mcginn, 47 y.o.
Paisley, United Kingdom [Current City]


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Joined 16 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 17.
Reply - Conversation - Oct 9, 2014
Hey John! I'm taking a chance and hoping that you will see this message at some point....however, you haven't been on interpals in five years, so I'm guessing my chances are pretty slim. Lol. Anyways, was on the site looking for some Scotsmen or women to chat with and came across your profile. Thought I'd say hi and hopefully start up a conversation if your interested, or even still around:)
inactive user
Just wanted to say hi! like your profile!
inactive user
Hey how are ya?
Reply - Conversation - Feb 17, 2009
How are we today laddie? lol
Reply - Conversation - Feb 17, 2009
i hope you like italian food..LOL...
shall i draw a hot bath for you too love? HAHA....
hmm...yes i saw the rangers score on the internet and caught some highlights of it as well. I hate not being able to get just isnt big over here. then they brought that bastard beckham over here to try to get americans interested...but americans LOATHE it didnt really
Reply - Conversation - Feb 16, 2009
well actually i was just trying to feel you out...hurry up and send it then laddie....ill have a pot on for you and have your morning paper and slippers ready...hahahah!!

the rangers...ahh...know them, and one of the better clubs. i have to wake up at 3am mind you to see a game, but i try to catch them when i can. we dont get many games televised here so i only catch what i read on the internet. i love "soccer"....i actually coach two teams....I have been playing/actively involved since i was 5 years old......
Reply - Conversation - Feb 16, 2009
yeah, by the way, i really don't want to be a mail order bride.....i totally realized that you MIGHT not get that joke....haha
inactive user
Hey, I'm good. It was the song Geraldine. I liked it. How are you?
Reply - Conversation - Feb 16, 2009
well mission in life is to find a hot scottish footballer and become a mail order bride....but i mean, i havent REALLY thought it out too much..HAHA!!! ahhh...snow *sigh* not much here....we got about 8 inches week before last, but nothing to go out and dive in....sad...i love it, and the cold weather more. i am dreading summer...
Reply - Conversation - Feb 16, 2009
just peachy....sitting here in my office trying to think of ways to not kill my boss before the day's off. haha. how are things in bonnie scotland?
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