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Meredith, 38 y.o.
Shanghai, China [Current City]

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Joined 15 years ago, profile updated 9 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 14.
Reply - Conversation - May 25, 2015
Hello Maredith, how are you? Thank you that you write to me I appreciate and I am very happy that you give me your e-mail address I will write to you after I finish the sentence my message to you. I wish you to have very pleasant day your friend, Michel
Reply - Conversation - May 25, 2015
Hello Meredith, my name Michel. I write this letter and I like to I ask you if you are interesting to exchange letters with me. I bore in Europe, now I am Canadian citizen, I live now in China, In Sanya Hainan, and I speak German, English, Greek, and some France. I am trying very hard to lend Chinese I will learn Chinese for sure because I like China and Chinese people, and I try my best to learn. I am professional mechanical engineering. I will be very happy if you want to write to me and we exchange latest and be friend. Michel
Reply - Conversation - May 22, 2015
thank you so much,,
but my friend told me that.
in chinese different pronounce different meaning..
is that right?
Reply - Conversation - May 22, 2015
I know some chinese words
ni hao ma?
xie xie..
is it enough to ask you to be my friend and help me learn more :P
Reply - Conversation - May 20, 2015
hi everyone
i am interested in English learning,also if you would like to learn Chinese i can help.
so let's be language partner
Reply - Conversation - May 20, 2015
hi everyone
i am interested in English learning,also if you would like to learn Chinese i can help.
so let's be language partner
Reply - Conversation - May 20, 2015
hi everyone
i am interested in English learning,also if you would like to learn Chinese i can help.
so let's be language partner
Reply - Conversation - May 20, 2015
hi everyone
i am interested in English learning,also if you would like to learn Chinese i can help.
so let's be language partner
Reply - Conversation - May 18, 2015
hi everyone
i am interested in English learning,also if you would like to learn Chinese i can help.
so let's be language partner
inactive user
hi,why not write sth on ur profile?
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