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Anna, 29 y.o.
Moscow, Russia [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice

Joined 10 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 9 of 9.
inactive user
beautiful profile.
Reply - Conversation - Oct 2, 2015
La chica de abajo me ha dado mucha risa jaja se ha vuelto loca! Jaja por cierto me llamo Alexander y soy de México, pero actualmente estoy viviendo en Moscú y estudiando en МГУ, si necesitas practicar tu Español estaré encantado de poder ayudarte :)
inactive user
Lol calm down, i dont really give a crap about your rant.ll I'm doing is stating how hypocritical to you are and how you literally make no sense. If anybody here needed more education it would be you, because you literally make no sense whatsoever so its pointless at Lear trying to state how illiterate you sound. If anything, you should be thanking me, so that you don't sound like a complete idiot to then next person you talk to.
You're welcome xD
inactive user
ayy lmao she rekt you though.
inactive user
Oh so you 'accidentaly' deleted a comment where I had stated that its very hypocritical for you to say you hate grammatical mistakes where as you make them yourself
inactive user
Do you seriously delete comments when when proves you wrong? Obviously
inactive user
Haha says the 19 year old girl who can't even form one sentence that actually makes sense
inactive user
Lmao any flower in a florist is sold..not just roses. And arent the vegetables you eat sold to you?
inactive user
Please do explain, how are roses 'false and vulgar' when they are a plant?
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