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Mulgambox, 39 y.o.
Seoul, South Korea [Current City]

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Joined 13 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 874.
inactive user
Hello! Greetings from Oregon, USA. You have an amazing voice. 🎶😊
inactive user
nice chilled music man
inactive user
Wow you have a beautiful voice and your music sounds so good ♡
inactive user
You sing very well! Keep up the good work :)
inactive user
Wow! Awesome voice! I like it very much.
inactive user
Happy New Year ♥
inactive user

Your voice in this would be ♥
inactive user
Good Morning!

I wrote a private message, I hope you can read it, sometimes the page doesn´t work well and doesn´t alert the messages ;)

Take care ♥

Reply - Conversation - Dec 28, 2016
Hello! I just have listen to your song. It's lovely!
You're such a good singer and guitarist.
Hope we can be friend so i can hear many song of your voice.
inactive user
i like your voice ...and i love this song " 바람이 분다 - 이소라 by 물감상자 ",but i don't remeber from hich Drama it is .
I wante to hear " day of mother " but i can't ,it's too sad and i must think of my mother and i started to miss her .
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