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Amanda, 32 y.o.

Joined 18 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 383.
inactive user
hi, i'm Chichi =)
how are you??
inactive user
Hey, whats up?
Reply - Conversation - Jun 7, 2009
Hahaha. I'm doing well. I just woke up, and haven't done much, so I'm kinda trying to find something to do today.
Reply - Conversation - Jun 7, 2009
Hahaha. Thanks dudette.

Haha, look at my profile, I like wierd people. Flaunt that sonofabitch personality trait.
inactive user

Excessive candy is never a bad thing, don't you agree? xD.

- Nile
inactive user
I definitely intend to :D! I know what ya mean, but in my (crazy) opinion, anything can be nothing if the person doing it feels like it's nothing (that made no sense, I know :P). Mostly, my "nothingness" has consisted of just doing a load of voice overs and trying (and failing) to think of something to write about...writer's block sucks :(. Anyway, heading to bed now (Been up since 12 AM - vampire schedules are fun :P), so talk to you later. Have a great day! :)
inactive user
Yeah, I so totally gotta start coming back on AIM again :(...I've been really caught up in doing more or less nothing (very odd how absolutely nothing can keep you so busy, ya' know?), have to get back to living some kind of a semblance of life again or else my mind is going to totally melt :P.
inactive user
:D It's you! Long time no see. How have you been/what have you been up to!?
Reply - Conversation - Apr 4, 2009
Hi Manda, havent heard from you in a while. How's everything? How's ur family? Hows the bf? Hows school?
Reply - Conversation - Mar 23, 2009
Please receive my simple gift of Hello, sent with care, love and wrapped with a prayer to keep you safe and uplift your spirits.
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