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Mwlee, 36 y.o.
Gwangju, South Korea [Current City]

Looking for


Joined 14 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 1222.
Reply - Conversation - Aug 16, 2012
Hey ^^ Just wanted to say that Gwanju is a beautiful city!
I really hope to go there again one day :)
Reply - Conversation - Feb 21, 2012
I just thought I'd say hello! It's been a long time since I've last used Interpals, and it seems like most of my friends here don't use it very often either.

Anyway, I'm moving to Gwangju soon, so I thought it'd be great to make some friends there.
inactive user
Holy shit 둘리!
왜 카톡 없어졋어??
글구 새해 복 마니 받아라응 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
inactive user
이름은 뭐예용?
만나서 반가워용~ ㅋㅋㅋ
Reply - Conversation - Sep 1, 2011
We have to talk more so!
Reply - Conversation - Aug 31, 2011
How are you?
So long time no talk >.<
inactive user
아못찾았어ㅠㅠㅠㅠ오빠가친추해줭~ saburin 내 아뒤야~~
inactive user
아~~~~ 우와 ㅠ 오빠 카톡 써?!
inactive user
inactive user
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