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Arantxa, 31 y.o.
Juiz de Fora, Brazil [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals

Joined 15 years ago, profile updated 4 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 33.
inactive user
Yeah,maybe we see each other =D
inactive user
Haha what types of movies do you like to watch?
inactive user
Haha it's alright. Well I like to read and play video games. You?
inactive user
Haha sounds like Japan! ;)

Well they have me living in Japan right now so yeah! ;)
inactive user
It's rewarding. Get to travel a lot. How. Is Brazil?
inactive user
I like these types of weather too)))
I study linguistics and languages)))
What profession do you want to get in the Future?)
inactive user
It's rather rainy . That temperature is 16 degrees above ) I like to stay at home drinking tea and watching good films when the weather like this.
But I have to go the university every day))
What is your favorite type of weather?)
inactive user
Oh yeah. I heard about it that it's quite dangerous there. =/
But oh well... no risk no fun =D

Yessss but maybe... and not alone of course maybe with my sister we'll see =)
inactive user
It's ok ) do not worry )you can call me both variants))))
You have beautiful name and that's very original for Russia too)))
I'm great and what about you?)
inactive user
Hehe... I may go to the World Day of Youth 2012 in Rio de Janeiro =D
How are the carnevals like? I saw on tv but I want to know how do you find them =)

You are welcome =D
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