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Tim, 33 y.o.
Cappeln, Germany [Current City]

Looking for


Joined 15 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 437.
Reply - Conversation - Jan 11, 2011
Hey I'm looking for someone to talk to from Germany, as I plan on studying abroad there for a semester sometime in the next year. Also want to get a good start on practicing and learning German, and can help with English as well if needed. :)
Reply - Conversation - Jan 10, 2011
Hey was geht ab? Ich spreche Deutsch also ich kann mit Englisch holfen. Wenn du willst? just speaking the language gets you learning it really fast so i hope i can help you learn English aswell as me learning German.
inactive user
wie gehts dir?
inactive user
Hallo! Wie geht's dir? :)
inactive user
Hey Tim! :) It's going very good here thanks and you? I just got home from school 20 min ago. The last two lessons we have been out in the snow and we went tobogganing. That was SO much fun - even though i dont like the snow, it was a fun day ;D But i still want the snow to go away, 'cause we have had snow for like 2 month now. Aah sounds awesome you guys dont have to go to school today - lucky you. But there's also snow everywhere, and we had a snowstorm yesterday and we also had some snow today oooh boy, hm.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY. haha sorry it's a little late ;P I hope you had a great day! And you're allowed to drive a car now ah terrific! You can go everywhere now. You are going on a shopping trip to Munich, aaah that's fantastic. I have been in Munich once, but i was a little girl when we went there, so i dont remeber anything. I would love to go there again, 'cause it's very beautiful, we have a lot of pictures from Munich :) I know about the low costing flights. We can fly from Billund airport to Gatwick airport in London for 19 DKK, it's crazy but it's true haha ;D So me and my sister are hopefully going to London soon, on a one day trip and go shopping, i love that city!

Take care,
inactive user
hey tim wats up?
inactive user
Yeah my dad works in Cali sometimes, because he works in a company overthere :) Oh wow, that really took my breath away - amazing! Just be sitting on Golden Gate Bridge, and watching the sunrise, with the warm breeze and the noisy city, breathtaking! :D Exactly, those are really moments you will never forget.
Yes Australia would be so awesome. There is alot of great nature there and so many cool things to see. Oh, i think you should travel around the whole world, you just have the right spirit to do that! ;)
I dont know if it is best to be travelling alone or with friends.
Aaaah pilot, of course that would fantastic. You could fly everywhere and see it all from above haha - indeed a good willing!

Okay sounds cool, haha well it is today cause it's 00:53 (pretty late). Have the most greatest weekend.
Maybe I'll see you tomorrow.
Sleep well, it was great talking :)
inactive user
Yeah I think you're right about that ;D I'm not so interested in Denmark, cause I have lived here my whole life. Sounds awesome Man! America is also a place I want to visit and experience. Oh yeh San Francisco, California is also the coolest place in America. I would really want to go - I think many people wants to go to America, to get the feeling of it you know :) And American people are really really friendly. We have some Americans in my home sometimes, because my dad works in both Denmark and California :) And they are so hospitable and friendly - or many of them are. I think you're english is absolutely fantastic! Just so you know :D
But a place i also want to move to is Australia, wooah that would be super interesting!
Aah, my plans for this weekend is not something huge. You know i can't really do anything with this stupid cold, so i guess just stay home with the family and be with my friends. What about you pal?
inactive user
Hi there :) I am getting better - thanks alot! I had a resting day. I have just been home and relaxed and been in my bed almost all day.. Oh yeah so saw that, great! Well i dont know why i have so much "love" for Germany. I think it is an exciting country, and i like the language and the nice people. And many of the towns there are really beautiful and cool, and there is alot to see... I have just always liked Germany. When i was a little girl i remeber i thought you guys talked so funny... But the weather is like the Danish weather, so that is not so great haha, because the danish weather is awful ;) But when i graduate Gymnasium, im moving to Germany and get a job and study there :D. I hope that was enough reasons haha.
Reply - Conversation - Jan 28, 2010
I aslo have to do a lot of things at school)
Im not opposed to holiday as well=)
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