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Leximariee, 31 y.o.
London, United Kingdom [Current City]

Looking for

Flirting and romance


Joined 15 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 274.
inactive user
*slap* ;) hahaa. ill hold you to that at camden. :P
inactive user
shhhh ;) quite. <3x
Reply - Conversation - Jul 11, 2011
Whoooa this is laate xD; I'm sorry! I've been busy with school ending and other shtuffff. ):

but how have you been? :D
Reply - Conversation - Jun 25, 2011
heyy how is it going? :)
inactive user
hey there how u doin?
Reply - Conversation - Feb 6, 2011
I saw that you speak italian....what about it? XD
Reply - Conversation - Jan 14, 2011
hey hows you
inactive user
[email protected] xD childish i know >_< :D
inactive user
myy bad xD im sowwy D:
inactive user
pshhh, ;P what kinda bad things D; *bites you gently*
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