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Patitta, 28 y.o.
Khon Kaen, Thailand [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice

Joined 11 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 42.
inactive user
Okay ;)
I love Oggy and the Cockroaches ! haha It's funny french cartoon
inactive user
Okay, khob khun ka ;)
Did you ever watched a cartoon or a French film ?
inactive user
Haha thank you ^^
In french "Quel est votre nom ?", how to say this in Thai ?
inactive user
inactive user
No, my name is not Love haha ^^
inactive user
I think my favorite Thai movie are Hello Stranger, A Crazy Little Thing Called Love, My name is Love ^^
inactive user
Really ! I'll try to watch haha ^^
inactive user
I'm just on Internet before to go to sleep, it's late here.
What does the second sentence mean? I forgot, sorry.
inactive user
Oh that's great I don't know Fan Chun but I've seen Pee mak pra kha (good and funny movie ^^). I like Hello Stranger and A Crazy Little Thing Called Love :)
Reply - Conversation - Oct 24, 2014
hi! you have great profile I hope we could be friends an chat more.
je suis Samuel du ghana.
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