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Rachel, 25 y.o.
Paris, France [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice
Meeting in person


Joined 12 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 141.
Reply - Conversation - Jan 18, 2020
The landscapes are amazing, you won't be disapointed
Reply - Conversation - Jan 5, 2019
Ciao Rachel. Ho letto tutto il tuo profilo , mi è piaciuto molto e sono contenta che ti stai divertendo studiando l 'Italiano. Sono un po' simile a te. Adoro imparare,sempre nonostante la mia età. Ho trascritto alcune delle "quotes"(citazioni) e usate su what s app.
Tell me if you can understand all I ve written. Dis-moi si tu as compris tout ce que j'ai écrit
inactive user
nope but i will find out more about it :)
inactive user
nope but i will find out ;)
Reply - Conversation - Apr 30, 2017
Thank you :) Even though I thought I was guarded against my arrogance since I made my personal breakthrough moment, I just discovered it played its part in a hidden way. Good luck to you too!
inactive user
Oh, really?
Thank you for the information.
Reply - Conversation - Apr 6, 2017
Hey! Sorry for the delay, there was a (self-imposed) snafu with my email and I couldn't activate my account.

I like anime with conflict and compassion. Now and Then, Here and there is probably my favorite. Also Casshern Sins, Moribito, Kaze No Stigma, and Trigun.

Love Miyazaki and other more artistic examples. Mushi-Shi is not to be missed. Too bad the dubbed season one isn't available to stream anymore.

An incomplete list, but I've probably rambled on enough. Got any favorite TED talks?
inactive user
I don't know, I've seen countless individuals gloat over their poetry and stories; even showing them to the world, myself included honestly. :P But, I don't so much as gloat as I just want an opinion. I'm not the greatest musician and I don't pretend to be.

Sorry for the short and brief replies, I really have been trying to find more time lately, and I'm still fighting off the flu. -_- The weather here has been strange. Just yesterday it snowed, rained and stormed all in one day.
inactive user
So, why don't you show your work to anyone, if you don't mind me asking? That's just something you should gloat about! :P

Sorry for the late reply by the way. I honestly don't get on here too often anymore.
inactive user
If only all wandering minds thought the same as you, the world would be a far more interesting place!

Anyways, hello there Miss Rachel! Good morning. I hope you've had the privilege of getting adequate sleep. :) I apologize for initially viewing your profile and not saying anything. It's all too common for me to message someone, only for them to just ignore me entirely, so I rarely even try anymore. You're a writer? What - stories, poems, novels?
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