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Rachel , 31 y.o.
Anchorage, United States [Current City]

Looking for

Postal pen pals

Joined 16 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 144.
Reply - Conversation - Dec 5, 2009
I'm fine, thanks)))) how was your day?)
Reply - Conversation - Dec 4, 2009
hello^^ How RU doing?)
inactive user
no problem !:)

but i can't add people on MSN.. that tool isnt working :S
can u add me??
[email protected]
inactive user
I live in Karlsruhe! :D Very close to Kaiserslautern! xD
Yeah i guess you're right.

Uhm if you have skype or MSN I can talk to you cuz I've got a microphone. That way I can help you. U know it's hard to become fluent in German cuz German is a pretty hard language but i can teach u some basics and help u when u start learning it and stuff !:)
inactive user
No way!! You were in Kaiserlautern?? That's just a half hour away from where i live. I've been to Kaiserslautern many times cuz a friend of mine used to live there.. now she's moved to Dresden in North Germany!

uhm to me, american schools dont teach languages very well ! :S
i dk why but i know many kids who had been learning a language at school for 3 years but didnt even know a word.. i mean i've been learning french for 2 years and im pretty fluent!

haha i could teach ya german. but it's one of the hardest languages ever!
inactive user
You went to Germany??? =O Are u serious? Why was that??
and why didnt u visit me ?? xDD jk ! Where exactly did u go?

So ur school doesnt over any German classes??
inactive user
Oh my gosh
everyone over here talks like that.. but actually only bad pupils in my english class :D pupils who arent interested in english u know :D
you should come over here!!! Everyone would wanna hear you talkin english xD haha
inactive user
yeah same thing here.
so i may work with 16 .. well i actually can work whenever i want to. one year ago i worked as a tutor!
but to work at a shop or something you must be 16 !

yeah well my accent is a little american cuz i talk to many americans u know and over here everyone loves the american accent!
inactive user
Thank u so much!

Oh awesome!! I'd love to work!!! But I may not -.- I'm only 15 .. :S:S:S

that sucks!!!

Thank u! Yeah everyone liked it and was impressed with my english and my accent and stuff! :)
inactive user
I'm glad to hear you're good! :)
What sorta job do u have ? aww its not fair!! I may drive with 18 -.-
but germans may smoke & drink with 16 :P haha

Awesome. I wished I got A's as well!
I've been good thanks ! =) Last week I gave a presentation about LA and the differences between the people from over there and Germans. Everyone was impressed and I got an A+ :)
How bout u ?
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