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Raffaideen Ghouse, 66 y.o.
Galkissa, Sri Lanka [Current City]

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Joined 15 years ago, profile updated 4 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 9 of 9.
inactive user
Hello Rafaideen. I've read your profile before, it looks so nice with the kids.
What I expect of my children is that they behave decently. By that I mean don't hurt or abuse other people. What I hope for them is that they shall be ably to find their special skills and use them.
I'm not a religious person, so I can't return your kind wishes, but I will send you a "Be safe!"

Btw. I've been to Moratuwa :)
inactive user
Wa alaikum salaam! Many thanks for your nice message which has brought back all the memories & experienced I had in your country many years ago. I visited your beautiful country 5 times in my life in my 20's ~30's.
In answer to your question, "Hello my friend" in Japanese is "Konnichiwa otomodachi". I hope we'll be good friends, and learn a lot from each other. Have a nice day, my friend.
inactive user

how are you? sorry it i wasn't able to talk to you again. how are you doing now?

anyway, i have changed my profile name. hope you still remember me, my friend.
Reply - Conversation - Jan 16, 2012
hi it is angel email me
inactive user
Thank for visiting my profile. Feel free to email if you like, thanks.
Reply - Conversation - Oct 29, 2010
I enjoy the photos and I see the community liked you also.

Do you travel a lot for work?

You sound interesting, Do you speak any other languages?
inactive user
thanks for your visit !
inactive user

Thanks for the compliment. Yes, I like that quote also. My friend forwarded that quote to me long ago and it lingers to my memory. I also like this one : You can break my heart and body but you cannot break my spirit will rise above the flaming fire like a phoenix. Well, that is something to ponder on, isn't it?

Hope to hear from you soon...
Reply - Conversation - Feb 7, 2010
hello brother
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