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Adi, 37 y.o.
Delhi, India [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals

Joined 14 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 457.
inactive user
Are you frustrated?
inactive user
Where are you going to?
inactive user
Hello boy;) What's up?
inactive user
Honestly, they got a bog profit due to fans who watch their perfomance and now they want to get more profit and make the fans pay for meeting them LOL What a con men!!!
inactive user
Don't you think I could spend 2000 $ on more intresting things rather then on meeting rich actors? lol
inactive user
Btw, I found out that actors from Supernatural and Vampire Diaries are up to make a meeting with fans in tthe USA. If you wanna visite a conference with them and make a picture with them, it will cost you 2000$ lol What do you think about this deal?
inactive user
What do you think about last episode of The Walking Dead show?
inactive user
Prove it
inactive user
inactive user
Are u scared?
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