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Ray-Ray, 41 y.o.
Dallas, United States [Current City]

Looking for

Flirting and romance


Joined 13 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 61.
Reply - Conversation - Sep 1, 2011
thnks for stopping by my profile
Reply - Conversation - Aug 27, 2011
Hey! They play all kinds of music. It depends which club ya hangin out at :0)
inactive user
Hey there :)
I went to youTube, any video you want, under the clip it will say 'EMBED" click on that, there will be a code - you only need a bit of that code
then your profile you type - [youtube] (in from of code) then [/youtube] (after the code)

The code will look like this: VZbsECcpj4E

I hope this helps :) It took me ages to work this out
inactive user
yo sup dude! :-) greetings from germany!
Reply - Conversation - Aug 24, 2011
Ha ha after I replied I saw you were from LA, silly me :p so I can't call you my crazy Texan anymore? Booooo

I was working yesterday, and again today, it's sooo cold here for august, send us some sun! What you up to? Speak soon xxxxxx
inactive user
So what is so awesome about LA that I obviously must've overlooked? Dazzle me :D
Reply - Conversation - Aug 23, 2011
Hey, what's this crazy Texan doing in my wasll? :o. How's things mister? Not many make such a grand entrance, but you are after all from Texas I suppose :p xxx
inactive user
You're merely.confirming my comment.but sure, go for it!
inactive user
Only someone unhinged would think that a 5'2" pasty skinned tea.obsessed social pariah having the ability to break necks is cute.
inactive user
*shrugs* we nerd women aren't worth wasting time on. Too.intelligent and strong-willed.

I have the added bonus of knowing martial arts. So while I may not be "bad" in the self-abuse way. I DO know how to break someone's neck.
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