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Sean, 34 y.o.

Joined 15 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 1583.
inactive user
Yo! How's it been man? It's odd, have you on Xbox Live for the past couple of years but hardly ever greet you LOL!

Anyway, you have Trials Evolution by any chance?
Reply - Conversation - Mar 29, 2012
Ohh i see. Why do you prefer 360 for FPS?? Halo.. the only reason i would ever reconsider buying another xbox 360.
Haha You should start playing ME1 then! xD Unless you play ME2 on Ps3. They tell you what happened to 1 through a comic book. I did that since ME1 isnt available on PS3.
Hahahhahah Nah, Septemeber is near, you should leave it. xD
Reply - Conversation - Mar 9, 2012
Oh i see! Dont you play any fps games on the ps3??
You re a fifa fan? :/ I prefer pro nowadays. Havent played fifa for...6-7 years :P
I have a ps3 and play fps games, but lately i ve been into action too, infamous, prototype etc. I m playing mass effect 2 as well. Gonna buy part 3 when the price goes down.
It was your bday?if yes, happy belated bday!
Reply - Conversation - Mar 4, 2012
Nice movies and music list! About games?? Ps3 or xbox 360?
Reply - Conversation - Sep 22, 2011
you are not in here for a long time
Reply - Conversation - Sep 12, 2011
Sometime in October, I'd have to look again.
It's on the Roseland Theater calendar.
Reply - Conversation - Sep 10, 2011
Nope, not yet.
But hopefully going to the Powerglove show in October. :D
And also the Opeth/Katatonia show as well.
Reply - Conversation - Aug 14, 2011
Hi!! First, I should say I'm so sorry because my too late reply. Please forgive me. The terrible earthquake and tsunami hit Japan, but I'm alright. My family too. I has had very busy day because of university. But I fainally got summer vacation. So I'm back. I hope you have nice summer vacation.
Reply - Conversation - Aug 8, 2011
Hey man! I like a band called Hillsong. they from Australia, have you ever listened to it?
Reply - Conversation - Jul 21, 2011
hello do you like panda? it is national treasure
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