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Megan, 33 y.o.
Kalamazoo, United States [Current City]


Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals

Joined 16 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 564.
inactive user
bonjour Megan!! football player =P school team?
inactive user
HEY Megan ! ! ! !
I wish you a great Birthday !
much presents a lot of health !
I hope so that you are fine and that you have a great day !
in one week i am in the US !

best wishes from Germany

inactive user
I've been great, you????
hope to hear you asap!

and...I'm really tied up by tons of schoolwork....!
inactive user
Megan,, How are you today??

I have to live on my base for 4 years...
and then,,, If I continueally want to be a military, I can live there for some years.. :DD
Exams for work is so hard.. yeah,,,
wow Spring,,,, Here,, Korea is also sunny..
Now, Cherry tree festival is progressing. So cool..

I updated new photos,,, It's me at base.
How do I look?

I want to visit michigan,, too.
of course I want to see you.. :DDD

Have a nice weekend.. ~
Reply - Conversation - Mar 23, 2009
Oh Meg,

you are so kind...
I sit on on the substitutes bench.It is horrible but I'm not in form at the moment.
Your team is amazing? I'm happy for you and it sounds great. I hope you will endure the new season without any injuries.
What about school? How is going?
Today I have slept in whole the classes. My classmates are so stupid that it isn't fun to sit inbetween them.
So mail baaack
I missed to talk with you
So baybay

Levent (big hugs and thousand and one kiss)
inactive user
yeah i wrote you back :)

Who will you be coming with? By yourself?? Well im just going on a trip for 13 days around europe ;P
Dont be..i so want to visit america!
I'll try to do that next year!
Umm not much plans,, its nice and sunny..was going to go and play tennis, but not sure. How about you..are you at school? x
inactive user
aww thanks megan for the photo comment :) did you read my facebook wall post?
inactive user
^^Megan,, How are you today?

I live on training base now,,, I'll be decided base that I work next month.
I've been took a lot of exams here.. :DD
I see radar scope and seperate airplanes( time seperation, controlling speed, altitude sepration etc..) , also instruct an emergency landing aircraft to do something for safe.
I practice these things every day.
Actually ATC is very complicated work :DD
It is service for Pilots.

Today,,, It's sunny here,, I want to travel somewhere hmm USA. :DD
Megan,,, Good Weekend~~~!
inactive user
Hey~~! Megan.. I'm here again..... ^^
How have you been??
I'll be a Air Traffic Controller soon ... wow...
Megan... Good day... I'll write a message again next weekend..
inactive user
hey megan!! the other day i listened to a voice clip from you!
Miss speaking with you! How are you doing? :)
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