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Randy Michael, 31 y.o.
Walnut, United States [Current City]


Looking for

Flirting and romance

Joined 16 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 778.
Reply - Conversation - Dec 9, 2011
smart man indeed

as of bored of my 360 so im just blasting primus.
Reply - Conversation - Dec 9, 2011
Reply - Conversation - Jan 23, 2011
hey wazup!
inactive user
I feel kinda baad after posting this. I mean its been over 10 days since you replied the message I left you, and I haven't sent you onew back yet. Sorry. But hopefully my reason is valid enough (I haven't found any time, and I haven't been online long enough) so hopefully you will forgive me.
Yeah, thats the story of my life... to be bored!! need to find a new hobby!
I'm OK, too, obviously bored though :|
Been doing anything special lately??
inactive user
I'm Anilah
How are you?
inactive user
don't worry about it, i still dont have the game and i still have not fixed my internet on my PSP...
awww, im going to Florida too, but not until August
have a good time on your trip!!!
omg, i did saw the movie Star trek,, it was so cool
it was so non stop action...
haha.. well i think that you may be on your trip so have fun and be nice to your girlfriend...
inactive user
i will see ifi cant get to go to the store this week and get it..
i'm exited to get it, for some reason, i just hope i get it!!
i'm just afraid that i will fail, that i will not do a good job on things and i dont want to be that one person that cant get things down..
i just need to break out of my little bobble...
so i get to see up and it was not even a 3D movie but it was really good and so sad in the beginning..
inactive user
bad news we dont have the same star wars i have star wars II the original trilogy. i will see if i can find the one you have and if i can buy it.. also need to get my internet fix on m psp but i keep forgetting to do it..
i'm also very much scare of trying new things and well i wish i dint have this defect. it had kept m from doing many things that maybe could have made my life different.
inactive user
haha i remember when i was smaller
i would take the big yellow lemons and peel them of then eat them with salt.. they made my tummy hurt but awww i loved them.. you know whats also good with salt, watermelon it gives it a good taste the same with
is it true that if you pour salt in a snail it will hurt it..?
i really want to get a hamster but my mom hates them she thinks they are smelly rats i just think they are cute little baby rats.. haha i wounder if they have hamsters in japan..
but yeah i may just get that game for my computer i hear its a good buy but then i also hear that its crappy.. i dont know.. ohh when i ever i get my room back in place i will try to fix my internet connection on my psp so we can play.. i want to get a good game to play this summer but the again i should really finish playing the devil may cry game....
inactive user
hahah, thanks
so what kind of fruits do you like..?
so random, but just wondering.
dont they have mirrors edge for pc too, because if they do
i will do anything to get my mom to buy it for me, i been wanting that game for so long..
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