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Sunny Chen, 47 y.o.
Taipei, Taiwan [Current City]


Looking for

Postal pen pals

Joined 8 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 2 of 2.
Reply - Conversation - Dec 29, 2016
hi, there^O^, Sure! I had read your profile, and I agree that point, I also love the animal and nature, swim, I love swimming, but I can't. I am not learning from someone. maybe the feel strange, like the everyone should born this, But I don't know about that, just need the time for the learn from the coach about the swimming skill, than I can go everywhere I want and doing the swimming I want. Now, is the morning in the 6:17 AM, how about there?
Reply - Conversation - Nov 15, 2016
Hi, can you read Chinese?
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