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Takashi1, 34 y.o.
Kobe, Japan [Current City]


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Joined 9 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 17.
Reply - Conversation - Nov 18, 2016
Thank you
Reply - Conversation - Nov 18, 2016
Oh wow! Cool! I will definitely visit the place! ^_^
SM Mall of Asia is a good place. :D It's the place where most of the concerts are held. In the city were I live, there's what we call the Sports Center. :)
inactive user
I like 500 days of summer because i feel related to it . I usually got my heart broken . I like many types of movies . If you like romantic comedy there are 50 first dates , love actually , bridges jones diary etc ..( maybe u already watched those ) lol
Reply - Conversation - Nov 17, 2016
Hi! That's great! :D Hyougo Perfecture? It's new to me, I'd like to visit that place too! ^_^
inactive user
I live in Rayong, it's in the east of Thailand and far away from Bangkok for 2 hrs. by driving.
Welcome to Thailand, Anytime..... :)
inactive user
Hi, thanks to stopping by. :)
So, do you want to be a friend with me?
inactive user
I know them from Deeper Deeper(On Youtube) about 3 years ago, then I listen more music of OOK
after that ---> I like them since I was 15 until now ><
inactive user
Never, but I really want to go to their concert some day! ><
I listen every songs of them and many times watch their concert on Youtube. Have you ever? I sure its very fun! One Ok Rock is the best! :)
inactive user
I really really like them, they awesome! >< You like them too?
inactive user
Me too, I'm trying really hard to get better at Japanese! But it is still not very goid yet ><
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