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Antje, 53 y.o.
Dresden, Germany [Current City]

Looking for


Joined 17 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 10.
inactive user
Hi Antje
How have you been?
Reply - Conversation - Oct 1, 2007
Danke für deinen Eintrag. Hm, weiß gar nicht mehr so genau was wir gespielt haben, sieht aber nach Skat aus, würde ich mal sagen :-)
Reply - Conversation - Sep 19, 2007
I am requesting a penpal
I prefer postal mail but I will also do email
Why dont you like postal mail?
Reply - Conversation - Sep 18, 2007
Hi! thanks for the message. If you\'re looking for an English penpal maybe we could email/snailmail? Sorry I only speak English though!

inactive user
Hello. Thank you for your message. I am wondering what are the congratulations for though?! Although, if you can sense I have some luck coming my way I don\'t know about, I suppose that is not a bad thing! I like your bike. How is life in Dresden? It looks a nice place.
Reply - Conversation - Sep 8, 2007
hello hello:) Im fine of course:) How are you? In Poland we have rainy day :(
inactive user
Hi! Thanks for leaving a message on my wall! Sehr lieb von dir! If you are interested in writing to someone in the US, I would be happy to write you!

Alles Guete!!

Reply - Conversation - Sep 1, 2007
Hi, thanks for dropping by. =)
i think you live in a very nice place..
inactive user
hi hope your having a nice day and thankyou for looking at my profile
Reply - Conversation - May 29, 2007
it look like woderful city~ :)
i\'m trying to go to germany later to see my friends~! :)
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