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Aisha, 33 y.o.
Wichita, United States [Hometown]



Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals


Graduate degree

Relationship status


Joined 16 years ago, profile updated 2 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 180.
Reply - Conversation - Jul 7, 2009
sorry. taken like forever to get back to you. i just got back from cali yesterday actually. trip was really awesome. haven't had the chance to look through my pictures yet, but i took quite a bit. was really really HOTTTTTT though. came back and it was like 7 degrees here. about summer.

nah, we just kinda put together a team and went for the tournament. could tell we needed a lot of practice, but at least we didn't come in last. used to play competitive rugby but that was a while back.

me? i'm in child protection. tried to avoid it like the plague when i was in school but murphy happens to be my bff.

i tried sending pictures by the pm system on this site but it doesn't allow you to attach files. email perhaps, if you are keen (can message it to me)?

so did you manage to get a job after? how has the summer been to you thus far?

take care, aisha!
Reply - Conversation - Jun 17, 2009
What do I do for fun.... Hmmm.​... I occasionally​ go clubbing, yes, but to be honest, it's not my style. I only ever go if I'm meeting up with friends I haven't seen in a while, or special occasions like birthdays or something.
Other than​ video games, hang out with friends, sleep (lol), that kinda stuff.
How about you? What do you do for fun in Wichita?
I can understand not liking the hot weather, it drains you of energy, making you not want to do anything, ESPECIALLY when you have stuff to do! lol!
But, on the plus side, the sleep you get during hot weather, especially on a coooooooool bed.... awesomeness.​
inactive user
hey whatsups!!
nothing much!!
Reply - Conversation - Jun 13, 2009

how are you.?
Reply - Conversation - Jun 11, 2009
Yeah, younger siblings will mess with you at times. That's family for you!
Ah, it's good you got the scholarship and grants to help you out, I think I'm gonna take out a loan for my course, though paying back the money is gonna be something...
I live in London, North London, to be precise. The weather here is surprisingly good, actually. Though I'm not getting my hopes up, I know this country's weather is a bit iffy.
How's the weather there? Enjoying the Early summer sun?....Or not? lol.
inactive user
Umm apart from my two housemates.... no :P
Reply - Conversation - Jun 9, 2009

mine too.
but longer at the back.
inactive user
Hey cutee Aicha

how are you doing ?

what's up there girl?

I'm youssef from Morocco! can be friends?

Reply - Conversation - Jun 8, 2009
right now i am yeah. trying to learn from different websites and stuff and just figuring it out on my own. might not get the full range of musicality but well, there probably isn't anyone who knows how to play it in a 1000km radius of where i'm living now.

i posted a couple of pictures on some site before, and then found them on some other site or something. so decided not to put too many pictures online. can send you one if you're curious. it's a little older picture though.

me? working as a social worker, doing front line child protection right now. dunno how long i'll be able to keep it up. getting kinda burnt out. it's cool some days though.

you've been to california? i'm trying to get some ideas on where to go when i'm there. feel free to make suggestions!!

we were out for a soccer tournament over the weekend. now we're stuck out here waiting for a plane back home...kinda cool though...chillin and missing work...haha...
inactive user
it's a working holiday, to live, work, travel around ;)
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