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Theo, 42 y.o.

Joined 18 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 261.
inactive user
I went fishing in a friend's backyard once and I absolutely sucked at it lol :) I actually let one of the fish slip through my fingers and it fell somewhere under the quay and it took us like half an hour to get it back into the lake XD

school starts tomorrow, and my schedule will probably be awful with very long days. I'm kinda curious what class I'm going to be in though.
inactive user
Mountain-climbing? Lol, I wish we had mountains in Holland! The highest point in the entire country is like 360 metres high I believe :P

But, ahah, I did actually kick myself on the street and for over a week now I have been running 4 kilometres a day! Yesterday I managed to run the first 1,8 km without stopping :D

The weather here changes like every hour, which is really annoying. The coming week is said to become really hot though, so maybe I'll catch some of the heat and send it off to you XD

I haven't had any mosquitoes this entire summer! I guess I'm lucky enough to have an attic-bedroom :)
Reply - Conversation - Jul 24, 2009
oh no! well if you think you have the flu... you better drink a lot of water/juice and get some rest...

everything is okay on this side of the world. :) its just little too humid. ew...

get well soon!
inactive user
heya, it's been a while indeed! happy easter to you lol :P

it's summer here and I'm kinda bored... over the past few weeks I've been working on my website like non-stop! I need to kick myself and do some running or basketball XD
inactive user
你好, Theo :D 对中国人很怪的名字,是吗​​? ;) 师哥, 嘿?)))) 很厉害呀 :D 总之, 认识你很高兴! :)
下一次请别怀疑别人的能力​​, 好吗? :D
顺便,这就是非常有益用普​​通话跟别人聊天儿:p 最后我不忘记你自己的话 :D
当然俄罗斯学生放暑​假!​ :D 我也在休息))下周我要驾​​车考试, 所以现在我每天驾车 :D
你写我之前, 我不说汉语在两个月的期间​​))) 都忘记了...啊(((((​​
我是四年级的大学生, 你呢?)) 你靠什么生活呀? 现在学习还是工作?))
Reply - Conversation - Jul 22, 2009
simple hullo from one pianist/photographer to another..

hope all is well!

inactive user
顺便谢谢你的问候语 :)
为弹吉他不焦急, 有一天你一定学会! :)
Reply - Conversation - Jul 9, 2009
im glad you had a fun time on the trip.
child protection seems cool, but hard work. i want to be a child psychologist, but i know that takes a lot of schooling.
ill send you my email in a message on here then.
unfortunately i still haven't found a job, but the last couple weeks ive been giving up searching =/ ill find one eventually i guess.
so what else have you been doing this summer?
Reply - Conversation - Jun 9, 2009
oh you can send it if you want, i dont care.
thats cool, being a social worker. ive heard thats pretty hard work, what all do you do?
ive never been to california, but ive heard/seen on TV that there are a lot of cool things in San Diego, LA and San Francisco.
so you play like competitive soccer?
Reply - Conversation - Jun 4, 2009
a chinese bamboo flute sounds cool. are you just teaching yourself?
oh, i hope im still me...? haha maybe im someone else... =O
i think there was an opportunity for me to go on some lame fishing trip in the south as a grad trip, but that didn't sound fun.
you need to put pictures of yourself on here! haha i didn't realize that i don't even know what you look like! haha. =P
what are you working in? i forgot, we haven't talked in a long time =P
so why are you going to california? a vacation? thats cool.
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